Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 26/07/2024
TIME: 14:30

"Games and the Suzano massacre: critical analysis of the discourses pro and against games on sportv's report"


Keywords: violence; Critical Discourse Analysis; Suzano massacre; electronic games

PAGES: 129
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Lingüística
SUBÁREA: Lingüística Aplicada

This dissertation deals with discussions regarding violence and electronic games, and its general objective is to analyze the tensions represented by the media between pro- and anti-game discourses. Regarding specific objectives, we list: describe the cultural and socio-historical constructions around violence and games; investigate how the Suzano Massacre had an impact on part of the media, especially in discussions about violence in games; and compare in analysis elements of discursive materiality that demonstrate tension between pro- and anti-games discourses, and their discursive repercussion. We understand in this work that discourse consists of a practice of representation and signification of the world, constituting and constructing the world in meaning (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001a). From this perspective, media discourse gains importance, considering its high dissemination and its potential capacity for forming opinions and, therefore, investigating these discourses is relevant in studies involving media and society. This investigation is relevant in this research due to the high rates of violence in Brazilian educational institutions, mainly due to the considerable increase in the number of attacks on schools in the country. In view of this, it is relevant to study this social phenomenon through these media discourses, in order to observe and investigate the ways in which the media are developing and conveying this problem. In terms of theory, this research is mainly based on studies of Critical Discourse Analysis proposed by Fairclough (2001a), from the perspective of the three-dimensional model. The corpus of this study consists of a report from the journalistic/sports portal SporTV, broadcast days after the Suzano tragedy. As initial results, we highlight that the pro and anti game discourses are in opposition, in defense of opposing perspectives: one in favor of the digital environment, electronic game producers and developers; and another against the playful environment, defended mainly by some political authorities. We also highlight that the SporTV portal positions itself in favor of video games, since the journalistic/sports environment is interested in defending games. Finally, we believe that this dissertation can contribute to studies on violence and electronic games, with an emphasis on attacks against educational institutions, their possible causes and motivations, and the way in which games are often involved in these discussions, both by the media and by politicians and authorities.

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Notícia cadastrada em: 25/07/2024 12:38
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